Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Straight Forward Home Remedies For Acne Scars

People have this misconception that home remedies for acne scar removal usually don’t work. But here in this article we would like to remove and eradicate those misconceptions from the minds of people who think on those lines. As far as my experience is concerned, I find home remedies for acne scar more effective and inexpensive. Hence consulting doctors and dermatologists who advise of medical laser treatments who also carry a lot of side effects and disadvantages. Certainly now a days with the awareness being increased people are more apprehensive and worried about their health and physical condition when they are told to take anti biotic. Since the doctors and dermatologists are also professional and connoisseur and they also advise you to treat yourselves through medical procedures and treatments, people are starting to abort the excessive usage of anti biotic and move towards treating the skin diseases naturally by utilizing home remedies for acne scars. Following are some home remedies for acne scars.

Garlic and Ginger one of the home remedies for acne scars

As you all would know that garlic and ginger are very effective and preferential in the curement of skin diseases that is because they are given such anti inflammatory properties and ingredients that can surely abet you to lessen the swelling and redness that is caused by acnes. Another very useful and helpful function they have is that they can clean and excel your immune system and effectively destroy those bacteria from inside that can cause acnes to erupt. And you are also save from any medical side effects.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Home Remedies For Acne Scar That Cleans Your Skin

Acne is a skin disease that is not only common and known amongst youngsters and teenagers but it is also well renowned amongst the elder ones as well. And those acne scars tend not to discriminate or bifurcate on the basis of races and classes. They can suddenly pop up on any body’s face or at any part of body. They can capriciously dent and spoil your confidence as they are very clumsy looking and agitating at times. People are always at the look out to find an effective treatment to cure or diminish them from the face. There are various and several reasons why acne scars suddenly erupt on your skin. Some of them are certainly genes on which you don’t have much control and that affect you externally. Many a times they appear simply because of poor intake of diet and eating unhygienic food. Less intake and consumption of water is also one the major reason for the eruption of acne scars. Many times people spend so much money and they don’t even know the causes behind the acne scars. There are certainly some home remedies for acne scars removal available.
In order to treat something, you should first understand and comprehend the reasoning behind the disease. And especially now a days when it has been made very easy by internet. People can easily access internet and know the reasons behind acne scars. Before you look for a treatment for acne scars it is equally important not to forget the importance of knowing the causes behind the acne scars. And they are most of the time to be found beneath your skin. If you start correcting that you will certainly observe some changes of betterment to your skin.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Best Home Remedies For Acne Scars

We have up till now posted many articles of home remedies for acne scar removal. We often find your comments and look at the emails that you send us. We have not fabricated those articles by our ownselves rather we are quoting them as we receive them from you. We will simply be quoting those statements that our visitors and users have uttered or sent us.
Surely the most commented and the discussed upon article is the “backing soda”. This is usually used as a cover and a mask but before we go into further explanations we would like to quote those 700+ comments that we have collected and gathered from the users who consistently visit us and utilize the efficient home remedies for acne scars.
Here are some of the comments that we want to share with you as we have received them. “This has to be the most finest and an excellent home remedy I have ever utilized. Instantaneously it started showing its positive effects on my skin. It does blaze a bit but it just doesn’t worry me at all because of fantastic results.”
Here we have an other comment of one of our regular visitor and a user who has used backing soda home remedy for acne scar removal. “This is the most cheapest and inexpensive home remedy for acne scar that I have ever used. It works just like a paste that comes out of backing soda mingled with a bit of water. Then after applying you rinse and clean your face with mild water.”

Friday, December 25, 2009

Acne scars – How to do away with them

Doing away with acne or getting rid of them completely or entirely is one thing. But one the biggest issue that may come across or face even your acne spots have all vanished or cleared from your skins is that the scars they leave on your skin. Now for sure after clearing up acnes from your skin you would not want that even scars should be visible on your face because they look very bad. And are also very daunting to remove as well. So is there any solution to get rid of them?


Now before visiting or consulting any doctor or any dermatologists you have first consider again the condition of your skin and see whether the pockmarkings or acne scars are worst enough or not. If they are really bad enough and aggravating they it is better that you consult a doctor and take his or her advise because a doctor will be much more able to provide you in-depth details and diagnosis of your problem. And a doctor would be in a much better condition because he know the current condition of your skin and has all the minor information he needs in order to judge whether you need a laser treatment or not. Laser treatment can no doubt be very effective and good but they are not for everyone since there are some after effects of it as well so a surgeon or a dermatologist or a doctor would advise you to under go that procedure or method of removing acne scars or not.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Two Very Inexpensive and Simple Home Remedies for Acne Scars Removal

Millions of people are being suffering from acne scar for many years and they will continue to face that reality in years to come. So we may think ourselves to be very fortunate enough for having home remedies for acne scar removal at our disposal to eradicate those filthy looking scars from our face. There are some very useful and effective home remedies mentioned below that can help and abet each one of us who gets the acne scars.


As we all know that fruit is a very useful and healthy diet and it contains lots of vitamins and some very useful antioxidants. Not only that the fruits you consume are healthy for your internal body but they have very positive effect on your skin as well in reducing the acne scars. They contain nutrients like vitamin C that can heal the scars on your face and can keep your skin afresh all the time and can keep the dryness away from your skin. Not all that mere fruits are useful but there peels and upper layers are also very valuable. For instance the peel of an orange can be put into use for various reasons and the crush of the pineapple can be used to mask your skin daily for 15 minutes or so and it will help your skin to brighten up.


Water is an important part of our lives. Its usage is very pivotal for any living being. As the scientist say that 75% of our body contain water. The more we drink the more healthy we are. But here we will discuss some benefits of drinking water to your skin.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Home Remedies and Treatment for Acne Scars Removal

As we have already discussed that procurement of acne scars is basically of two types. One method is through surgical procedures which is expensive way of treatment. Another method of treatment is much inexpensive and less costly as compared to the first one and it is known as home remedies of acne scar removal or home treatment. And now days there are so many remedies available for acne scars.

Acne are normally formed due to so many reason. The most common of them are that when the pores of your skin get clogged or blocked up, the natural oil which comes out from our body stops and as result of that skin starts getting inflamed inside and then it transforms itself into pimples and then those pimples if squeezed or picked at or not taken care of assiduously become scars at your face.

As we know that there are many allopathic medicines and treatments available such as surgical operation and procedure but they are not in everybody’s access. They are very expensive. And are limited to specific category of people who can afford it but pimples and acne scars are not for any specific group of people. As a matter of fact they appear on almost everybody’s face. So there must be some alternative luring around which needs to be explored.

To help a common man to get rid of these pimples and acne scars. This can at any time pop up on your body without any notifications. Here are some of the home remedies for acne scars which can be availed by any group of people and are very effective.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Home Remedies for Acne Scars Removal | Inexpensive and Useful Ways to Avoid them from Appearing

After getting fed up with acne scars so many of the people are now seeking new ways to avoid acne scars erupting on their skins. One of the very inexpensive and useful method is to use home remedies for acne scar removal. Simply because they are extremely easy on the pocket, reasonably priced and low cost. And most important of all that they are available at almost every home. Before we discuss and dig in into the solution and home remedies of acne scar. Lets visualize a few things before going ahead.

Almost each and everyone of us knows that how useful and helpful is exercise in properly putting our body in shape. Lets look at an other positive perspective of exercise in the perspective of acne scar removal. Regular exercise can enormously abet your body and specially your skin. It improves the color and the texture of your skin. Also regular intake of fresh and clean and filtered water can also help you in detoxifying your skin.

One more very appalling and surprising home remedy for acne scar removal is to apply the tooth paste onto the swelled pimples that have erupted on your skin before getting to bed for sleep. The next day when you will wake up you will observe instant positive effects on your skin.

Blend and combine rose water with that of lemon juice. But you should be cognizant and supremely careful in selecting right proportions of lemon and rose. Use the similar proportion of both lemon juice and rose water and apply it onto your face and after round about 30-40 minutes clean your face.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Home Remedies for Acne Scars | Simlple Tips to Out Shine Your Skin

Those people who suffer for acne scars and are worried about their treatment. Well they don’t need to be worried now because home remedies for acne scar removal are made up for those people who cannot afford to undergo such expensive and costly treatment and surgical process and to undergo medication advises of any dermatologist or any doctor. Although it can be equally important to know that acne scars are very abstruse and abstract to eliminate but still home remedies for acne scar removal can help you lessen the intensity of those scars by effectively utilizing your kitchen products.

Acne scar is a formation, state and a circumstance when the pores of the upper skin or core get blocked up. As a result of which the natural abdication of oil which lie beneath the skin of the body stops so the bacteria starts to form and develop beneath the skin and the skin starts to get infected. So these pimples that erupt as a result of those germs and bacteria ruptures and then cause scarring.

In case of all of this, you may wonder or think that what is the process then to either reduce those marks or completely diminish them so you get back your healthy and strong skin. One option that is left for you is to visit your dermatologist or doctor. A dermatologist or doctor can put in front of you little option which you have. And these option are laser remedy or dermabrasion. But most of these option are very costly and expensive.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Home Remedies for Acne Scars Removal | The Best Advice

There is an air, feeling and intuition about acne that if someone gets it pimples will also appear on the face which can dent and spoil somebody’s personality. And in result of these pimple one will suffer from scars without squeezing or picking at the pimples. Some people after hearing those stories get disappointed, despaired and lose heart that they may not forever get rid of them totally and wholly. But don’t worry or agonize because we have got some very effective home remedies for acne scar removal that can do wonders if followed properly. They (Home remedies for acne scar removal) may not completely diminish your scars entirely but there are certainly chances that they can fade them or reduce them to an extent that it can be very difficult to identify whether the scars exists on your face or not.

Now first of all we would like to attend and clear a common misconception that is to be found amongst the people, that if once you have acne and turns itself into pimple and then that pimple disappears then it will leave a red spot on your skin which will stay there for months. Now note it that that the red spots that remain on your skin are not scars. Rather it is an aftermath of the swelling which at anytime would have occurred. And you can experience it rationally like if any part of your body get twisted or warped you will see a redness there. So it a more or less similar and related to that concept as well. If the redness remains on your body to twisted ankle or any other injury DO YOU CALL IT A SCAR!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Some Significant Home Remedies for Acne Scars Which Can Abet and Help Your Skin to Get Clear and Look Very Refreshing and Clean

Now a days there are a plentiful and a lot of skin medications and procedures available for the treatment of skin. But people are hesitant, worried, concerned, bothered and anxious to follow and avail those treatments because there are some risks involved in doing so. People are worried that their skin may get affected and disrupted. That is why people prefer to use the home remedies for acne removal.

Home remedies for acne scar removal have been long travelling from our ancestors and old people from many generations till now. Though they take a very long time and can sometime get you impatient and intolerant, but if you are enduring and show some faith home remedies for acne scars can really do wonders. It can help to minimize the scars of the skin and can also ameliorate the texture and the nature of your skin. These home remedies for acne scar removal can take extensive time ranging between 3-6 months. Within this time duration you observe that your scars have either faded, lessened down, reduced or either vanished completely. These home remedies for acne scar removal can be unpredictable at times as well as if they work or perform perfectly fine for someone and adversely bad for somebody else’s skin.

There is one very familiar home remedy for acne scar which performs brilliantly and is very helpful. Apply the paste and a combination of tomato juice and cucumber onto your face. Tomatoes are familiar of carrying such attributes and characteristics which can help to uplift your skin and also to prevent it from getting harmed, damaged or being hurt.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars by The Help of Home Remedies of Acne Scars Removal

Before we briefly elaborate on this topic it is important to analyze that this treatment can be done at home as well. You must be mentally ready to undergo this procedure of home remedies for acne scar removal. They can really reduce or minimize the scars. Conversely, if the nature of the scars is serious then obviously we will recommend to take an advise of a doctor or either visit dermatologists. Because they are the specialist who give better diagnose the intensity of the acne and advise you thereafter carefully looking at them. But on the other hand for less intense acne’s you can seek rather simpler solution for the removal of acnes like over the counter medication. Removing the acne scars from your skin can be a very rigorous process because it is something that cannot be removed on daily or weekly basis or overnight. It is a dawdling and a bovine process which you have to undergo.

2 things from which you must stay away from at any case

Few precautions can be taken if you really are interested and showing alacrity and interest in reducing or minimizing the acne scars or in that case all the new scars that are formed on your face. An example of this can be not to squeeze the pimples or scars that are forming on your face. Similar to that, there are other very very much important and eye opening advises that are to be offered which may not be very enjoyable and lovable to hear but if you are sober enough and you really want to get rid of these acne scars .... You have to carefully scrutinize or self impeach your DIET. Avoid taking such diet or food which contain high proportion of fats and carbohydrates.

Few Home Remedies For Acne Scars Removal

If you have acne scars on your face and you are anxious, worried and concerned about them, and you are worried that now you have to undergo serious plastic surgery operations and procedures. Do not lose hope because we will try our level best to help you from the nearby items available in your kitchen  to minimize the acne scars.

Now I will put in front of you a very simple 2 steps by the help of which you easily and cheaply cure your acne scars. It works brilliantly. First step is to gently, softly and humbly remove the upper scrubbed layer of your skin. Second step is to eat such a diet which contain food that possesses moist predominantly. Like fruits, juices, oranges etc

Now here are a few very useful techniques that if applied carefully with caution can produce overwhelmingly gorgeous results. Some of these techniques are following

Home Remedy Technique For Acne Scar Removal Is Lemon Treatment

Lemon is very healthy for skin. It can certainly glow up your skin if it is used on frequent and regular basis. Specially if you inherit  a skin which is a bit oily. And there are some dark acne spots on your skin. Then you can utilize lemon juice to fade them. Now the procedure is to first wash your face properly. Note that there should not be any dust particles remaining on your skin. Then after washing your face you should dip a table spoon containing lemon juice into cotton ball sticks and gently rub it over the acne spot on your face. Then after applying a lemon juice on your acne mark leave the mixture there on your face for 10 minutes and clean it with water. Note when go outside do not forget to apply any sun screen cream before going out in sun, that will protect your skin.

Some Home and Domestic Remedies for the Removal of the Acne Scars to Clear up the Skin

Now a days several youths, adults are victims of acne scar which do erupt in this age. Normally people relate acne scars or pimples with young age but the fact of the matter is that it is not a valid reason for pimples to pop up. In fact, Acne happens or explode when the pores and small cells of the skin are blocked or clogged up due to dust particles or some other reason. This obstructs or act as barrier in releasing the natural oil of the skin and the consequence of this is that bacteria start to back up inside the skin and start getting multiplying beneath the pores. The result of all of these series of events is the eruption of the pimples beneath the core of the upper layer of the skin. When someone start to rub, squeeze or exasperate these pimples, then scarring happens. There are some home remedies for these acne scars available which will be discussed below.

First of all you should wash and cleanse your face properly before undergoing any treatment or procedure. Among some of these very cheap and economical home remedy for acne scar  removal is that you should try to take a few whites of egg and then apply its liquid to the scar. Apply this liquid onto your face overnight and leave it as it is till the morning. Then in the morning wash or cleanse the liquid with a gentle hand. Hope this procedure work for you! Also applying the lavender oil couple of times daily can also abet you to lessen the marks of scars and ultimately vanish it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Some very superlative home remedies to outclass acne scars

The skins of majority of the people are very receptive and sensitive which leave our skin and cells defenceless to counter acne scars and pimples. This can be a sole reason why the acne scars become so Prominent on your face and dent your personality. It is better off attending these scars carefully before its too late and these scars have already strenghthen their roots on your skins. Then it becomes doubly difficult to get rid of them. So it better to take some action as early as possible before they aggravate.

The good thing is that there are so many several home remedies for acne scars available to nullify those acne scars which look irritating. But the bad thing is that we are so much busy and engaged in our daily activities that we don’t find out enough time for ourself. And this is exactly when these acne scars get this opportunity and sufficient time to dwell and settle inside your skin. We become hesitant and vulnerable when it is said that these home remedies are to be applied on your skin for 1 or 2 months regularly. Just imagine or suppose how easy, wonderful and beautiful will be your life without those acne scars on your face. And it will show when you will be far more confident and sure about your own self and your abilities. Some of the excellent home remedies for acne scar removal are following.

• Drinking lemon juice daily is very healthy for your skin as it helps to remove the dead cells and allow the new cells to grow, and it makes your skin look glowing and clean

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Home Remedies for Acne Scars | Tips to Glow your Skin Again

Home Remedies for acne scars through the usage of home available commodities is not only inexpensive and less costly but can also harbor some very appreciable result which can at time stun you as well because of their efficiency. They are far more better than those expensive surgical, laser and medical undergoing and they also carry some side effects as well.

Acne scars often form by their own and sometimes vanish on their own as well. Easy and simple anti acne scar creams can be made at your own home by using right ingredients at right proportions. One very useful and valuable home remedy cream can be made up by using ingredient such as water and backing soda. It is very simple and easy to make that cream. All you have to do is to make a blend of backing soda and water and mix them with each other properly. Now before practically applying this mixture or blend of water and backing soda, you should wash and cleanse your face properly. Then apply the mixture onto your whole face and specially where there are scars. Leave the mixture or a paste on your face for 15 minutes and then afterward wash your face gently with soap and you observe that your skin would seem pretty shining  and clean.

After this home remedy the pH level of your skin becomes balanced and then you an also apply the mixture or a blend of cucumber and mash of tomatoes. Apply this onto your face for 20 minutes.